Purdue Silicon Summit Further Accelerates Momentum with Announcements and Brings National, Global Semiconductor Leaders to Campus

Purdue University will host the 2023 Purdue Silicon Summit starting Oct. 17 and continuing through Oct. 25.

Purdue University will host the 2023 Purdue Silicon Summit starting Oct. 17 and continuing through Oct. 25.

Semiconductor industry leaders will converge on the West Lafayette campus for partnership meetings, lectures and conferences as well as major announcements on Chips@Purdue semiconductor research, education and industry collaboration.

The Purdue Silicon Summit also comes on the heels of the first CHIPS Act decision in the Department of Defense Microelectronics Commons announcement, where the Indiana-led proposal “Silicon Crossroads,” with Purdue as the lead university in Indiana, was one of eight hubs selected out of over 80 proposals across the country. At $33 million for its first-year budget in this five-year program, it is the largest hub in the Midwest.

“With eight events and announcements within the span of same number of days at the Purdue Silicon Summit, with dozens of companies in the country, several partner countries, and almost all the major university partners in the Midwest, Purdue again demonstrates its leadership in semiconductor workforce, innovation and policy that is second to none in the U.S.,” said Purdue President Mung Chiang. “From design to devices, from packaging to cooling, from system applications to software tools, Chips@Purdue is creating innovations from labs to fabs and bringing jobs and talents to Indiana.”

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